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在如今网络大时代的背景下,中国网络文学不仅“异军突起”,而且“风景独好”,在国内本土形成了关于“互联网+”的巨大产业链,同时一大批优秀的网络文学纷纷走出国门,在海外掀起一股中国“网文热”。从跨文化视角对中国网络文学走红海外的原因进行了分析,探讨了网络文学“走出国门”面临的问题,并发起了对未来的展望,抛砖引玉,期望引发对网络文学“走出去”更深入的思考。  相似文献   
尽管斯达尔夫人和刘师培分处东西方历史发展的不同时期,但是斯达尔夫人的欧洲南北文学论与刘师培的中国古代南北文学不同论具有重要的比较诗学研究价值。斯达尔夫人的欧洲南北文学论和刘师培的中国古代南北文学不同论基于各自不同的理论背景和历史背景都引入了地理空间视域,其比较诗学研究的理论内涵主要包括三个方面:一是地理空间视域引入的不同理论背景、历史背景、理论内涵;二是地理空间视域下语言维度研究进路的异同;三是吊诡的倒转性:北方浪漫主义、南方古典主义与北方古典现实主义精神、南方浪漫主义精神。  相似文献   
实现人的全面发展是马克思主义的最高价值目标,是中国共产党人和中国人民的不懈追求。新时代中国的发展取得了显著成就,在经济、政治、文化、社会以及生态五个方面为人的全面发展提供了有利条件。但是,人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾制约了人的全面发展。为更好地推动人的全面发展,需要实现经济高质量发展,建设社会主义民主政治,繁荣社会主义文化,保障和改善民生,建设社会主义生态文明。这对加快中国特色社会主义建设、实现社会全面进步和促进人的全面发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
加强生态文明建设是破解湖南民族地区发展滞后、提高其生态环境系统治理和保护水平的关键举措。结合湖南民族地区生态文明建设的总体情况,分析了湖南民族地区的人口分布、自然地理、经济发展和民俗文化等特征,提出了基于“两山”理念的湖南民族地区国土空间规划重点,即:加强空间联动,优化民族地区空间布局;创新扶贫方式,构建民族地区特色产业体系;提高资源利用效率,加大民族地区生态补偿力度。同时,提出了湖南民族地区国土空间规划路径:加强“三生空间”管控,转变依靠资源型致富的传统思维;创新生态治理方式,构建产业体系;注重生态系统整体保护,有效提升空间治理水平。  相似文献   
高校文化遗产教育经历了公选课和通识课阶段后,进入文化遗产本科专业建设阶段。重庆文理学院文化遗产专业是全国第二个文化遗产本科专业,凸显非物质文化遗产教育特色,在人才培养目标上注重就业与深造的兼顾和应用与研究的整合;培养内容贯穿多学科,理论和实践交叉并行;评价体系也是过程和结果共建的体现。  相似文献   
发展乡村旅游是民族地区实施乡村振兴战略的重要突破口。乡村旅游转型升级和创新发展的关键在于产业融合。羌族村寨体育非遗文化与乡村旅游具备融合基础和条件,融合过程要经历资源融合、产品融合和市场融合三个阶段,制约因素来自于融合主体、客体和政府部门三个方面。融合模式包括旅游节庆、旅游演出和体育赛事。以国家4A级旅游景区——理县桃坪羌寨为例进行实证研究,分析桃坪羌寨的农文体旅融合的基础、机理和面临的困境。最后提出建议:重视非遗传承,加强人才培养;完善治理机制,深化土地改革;深挖非遗文化,打造品牌节事;设立合作组织,实现合营互助。  相似文献   
The Jewish underground movement in the Soviet Union in the second half of the 1960s produced literature that became a part of the counterculture of Soviet dissent. For the first time in decades, Russian Jews identified, to a significant degree, as people of the galut (Jewish Diaspora). The battle for the return to Israel and the new Jewish renaissance in the intellectual sphere of the unofficial led to the emergence of new topographical concepts, which were inspired primarily by the Jewish cultural tradition. In fact, the exodus texts written in the 1960s–1980s represented a new, late Soviet shaping of Zionist prose. They relate to the symbol of the Promised Land as a fundamental projection of aspirations. Late Soviet Zionist texts share the traditional Jewish vision of Israel as an imagined topos of the original homeland that is both retrospective (with reference to the biblical promise of the land and the seizure of Canaan) and prospective (return and redemption). The Exodus story contained in Sefer Shemot becomes a leading poetic, philosophical and at times religiously charged metaphor of liberation and reunification. The re-strengthened collective memory of tradition required biblical symbols to be imbued with new semiotic power.

This paper will show that the historical dimension of the events dealt with in the literature often has strong mystical and mythological traits and displays messianic-apocalyptic hopes of salvation. However, alternative literary space and time models represented in the aliyah literature hereby betray their rootedness in the teleology of the communist regime. The powerful Israel utopia reflects both the eschatological time of the Soviet empire and its phantasms of paradise on earth. Late Soviet Zionism and totalitarian discourse are shown to be two space-time utopias.  相似文献   

The problem of characterizing a distribution by its moments dates to work by Chebyshev in the mid-nineteenth century. There are clear (and close) connections with characteristic functions, moment spaces, quadrature, and other very classical mathematical pursuits. Lindsay and Basak posed the specific question of how far from normality could a distribution be if it matches k normal moments. They provided a bound on the maximal difference in cdfs, and implied that these bounds were attained. It will be shown here that in fact the bound is not attained if the number of even moments matched is odd. An explicit solution is developed as a symmetric distribution with a finite number of mass points when the number of even moments matched is even, and this bound for the even case is shown to hold as an explicit limit for the subsequent odd case. As Lindsay noted, the discrepancies can be sizable even for a moderate number of matched moments. Some comments on implications are proffered.  相似文献   
This article examines the institutional development of Jewish museums in Prague, Budapest, and Bratislava from 1989 to the present, with special reference to their role as agents of cultural memory. I consider how these museums contribute to the formation of Jewish identities in post-communist societies, which are themselves struggling to form collective identities. After analyzing the institutional structures and exhibition concepts of these museums in relation to shifts in the politics of representation, I propose a core area on which each museum could base its future development.  相似文献   
荆州市荆州区太湖管理区文化建设与其经济发展既大致一致,如各生产大队有广播、农家书屋等文化设施,有桃花会、广场舞、文体比赛等文体活动,村民有看电视等文化生活;同时,其也存在公共文体设施不足,文化投入不足,文化消费整体偏低,村民文化生活不够丰富,特色文化娱乐活动缺乏等有待改进之处。对此,应采取扩大现有文化品牌项目影响,提高现有文化项目效果,开拓新的文体活动项目,建设特色文体活动项目,加强文化建设骨干培养等相应对策。  相似文献   
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